Coming up to summer, it will soon be time to light those Fires!. If you have not gatherd yet, aka a Braai. By that time I am hoping that our App will be ready and you will have yourself access to Biggar Braai.
Please let me know if you would be interested in joining the Beta Testers for the Online Shop App. Please submit a request through the Contact Us form on the website.
Initially, this is forcused only to the good people Local to Biggar as we are still sorting out deliveries at the moment. For now we would look to partner with local butchers.
There is a potential we will be partnering with a local shop in biggar, to supply stock, if you can’t wait to get your hands on a wee pack of Biltong or Droer worse – links to downloading the app will come soon.
More details to follow!
Biggar Braai